Helping restore and protect the Otawa Sanctuary Area
A corridor for wildlife and people
Planting, weeding, trapping, facilitation.....Trustee work...we need you on board!
To date our volunteers have helped with planting over 1000 trees and with maintaining our trapping network, along with our volunteer trustees who are both in the bush and busy keeping the cogs turning and the paperwork in order.
The area still has a considerable amount of weeds, including wilding pine. Our aim is to gradually replace the introduced species and return the area to native bush. We hold planting days on several occasions throughout the year. See our calendar for upcoming events.
We are gradually extending our trapping network to include a buffer zone outside the current boundary and need more trappers to help check and maintain traps. Trappers work independently at a time that suits them. Its a great way to commit to getting out and keeping fit whilst helping our native wildlife. Full training is provided, so please register if you are interested.
If you prefer not to do trapping or planting/weeding there are opportunities to help the Trust with data management, health and safety, facilitating workdays or however you feel you could contribute.
Longer term we are intending to create a wildlife corridor and track network that extends from the adjacent Otanewainuku forest through Oropi Forest to Otawa Scenic Reserve. This means a lot of hands are needed and we would love your help!
So, if you are keen to be involved please register your interest below or click on our calendar to see our up coming opportunities.

Register as a Volunteer Below

Since its inception in 2015, the Trust has progressed steadily in its aim to protect and restore the natural ecosystems of what was Stewardship land. Donations are another great way apart from volunteering where you can help us restore and protect the habitat of the critically endangered Otawa Hochstetters frog species so they can survive for generations to come.